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Tag: Cities

Standing on Escalators and Classroom Teaching

During the holiday travels, one of the vexing things that you might have come across is people in a hurry, those who hurtle by at excessive speed on airport escalators, as you stand.  Conversely, you might be the one trying to get back to your boarding area but blocked by a slow traveler carrying an unmanageable volume of luggage bags, more than what one ought to carry on enjoyable trips. In this article, I return to one of my favorite Operations topics in social behavior. Should people stand left (or right, depending on the country) in moving escalators, so that people in a hurry can walk by?  Is that efficient? It turns out not. It is better for everyone if we do…

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Amazon HQ 2.5

It increasingly appears that Amazon has chosen to split its second headquarters between Long Island City, NY and Crystal City, Northern VA — essentially locating a large portion of their upper management closer to the political and cosmopolitan classes (DC and NYC respectively). My favorite internet and business raconteur Scott Galloway – the author of the excellent The Four — had opined that it would always be New York. How did I do with my prediction? Earlier this year, my own guess was Nova/DC/Maryland area (although I had also hedged it with North Carolina). Amazon’s next biggest challenge is in running their AI platform. The biggest challenge for all platforms is regulation, which makes locating in the DC area as the perfect…

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