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Tag: Films

Graduate Loans: Hollywood and Universities

A recent study shows how elite universities have awarded thousands of master’s degrees that don’t provide enough career earnings to pay down the federal student loans. This is an issue that is dear to me: I explain why students “take such bets” and why universities are sometimes like the movie industry, and what could be done to improve the system.

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Kirk Douglas

I am dating myself here, Kirk Douglas, a Hollywood figure I admired, passed away at the age of 103. Here is an obituary in the Guardian. I really miss his old-fashioned masculinity. I adored his longevity and gracefulness in gentle aging. Anyway, the heartless metronome of time beats on, and as a sign of aging, the number of heroes I had is dwindling fast.

Here are 6 of my favorite Kirk Douglas movies…

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Sights & Sounds 2019

Things I loved in 2019 on Big screen/TV/Streaming, Podcasts and Music. The Guilty (Danish) is a beautifully acted, taut thriller.  A demoted police officer assigned to call-dispatch gets an emergency call from a kidnapped woman. The call is suddenly disconnected, the search for the kidnapper begins.

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