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Tag: Retail Operations

Culture as a Fundamental in Business

When I heard the story of Tony Hsieh’s tragic passing, the meaninglessness of the tragedy struck me deep. The death not only cut short his young life but also culled the dynamism of his ideas and a promise of a better future. I did not know Mr. Hsieh, but many whom I respect knew him and held him in high regard.  Om Malik wrote a beautiful, heartfelt essay on what Tony Hsieh meant to people pursuing their ideas. I will write about the brilliance of Zappos, which was perhaps the biggest e-commerce acquisition of Amazon (1.2 billion USD in 2009), the first of their billion-dollar acquisitions. Zappos was not a run of the mill internet retailer. It was a strikingly…

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Razor Thin Monopolies

Every one is worried that monopolies are getting large. FTC is worried too.
This is not a post on Facebook and Instagram, or another commonly directed invective at the Amazon, YouTube and other platforms that are pervading our lives.  After a long lull, FTC has decided that they need to step in and prevent the most pernicious monopoly that has cut many people: Razor Blades. Also, not in the way you think.
I write about things FTC got right, and what they got wrong, in their unanimous decision to sue to block the Edgewell-Harry’s merger.

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