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Tag: Podcasts

Sights & Sounds 2019

Things I loved in 2019 on Big screen/TV/Streaming, Podcasts and Music. The Guilty (Danish) is a beautifully acted, taut thriller.  A demoted police officer assigned to call-dispatch gets an emergency call from a kidnapped woman. The call is suddenly disconnected, the search for the kidnapper begins.

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Sights & Sounds 2018

Here are some films and podcast episodes that I liked in 2018. Sights (Film, TV, etc.) Bladerunner 2049 was a thought provoking movie and a well-deserved sequel to Bladerunner. Love per Square Foot was a cheerful and peppy urban love story set in Bombay. NetFlix has made a movie that Bollywood has forgotten how to make. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell made by BBC boasts high production and some great acting by all the principal characters. The TV series is less-nuanced than Susannah Clarke’s book by the same name, i.e., the TV series is darker and misses the whimsical funny elements in the book, that are understandably harder to translate to screen. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (season 1) is great…

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The Containers Podcast mini-series (with eight self-contained 30-minute episodes) by Alexis Madrigal at Atlantic is amazing! As an Operations academic in a business school, I am a fan of both nitty-gritty details and narrative story-telling canvas. When I came across the Containers podcast my stoicism vanished, and I was giddy with excitement. Containers are one of those mundane things that fundamentally changed global trade and turned supply chains into complex organisms.  You would be completely mistaken to think that a podcast on containers would be boring. Alexis Madrigal brilliantly weaves logistics facts with human interest stories that form the cogs in gigantic machinery of global trade. He talks about the history of Oakland, the “deaths” of longshoremen, poetry, Filipino lives, logistics,…

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